Monday, November 26, 2007

i finally had enough ambition to watch a movie!

this a little ongoing joke between my niece, caitlin and i. one day i called her and we were talking about what we were doing that day. well, cait had lots of plans and then she asked me what i was doing. i said, "are you kidding? i don't even have enough ambition to watch a movie!"

well, this weekend I found me some good old fashioned ambition and got quite a bit accomplished. i started and finished my mom's christmas project, i made these adorable mirror ornament type things for this vase full of sticks on the computer desk, i made five handmade ornaments for the annual girls ornament exchange (which are so adorable!), cleaned the house, cleaned up the mess from the above projects, took down the fall deco (which took all of 3 minutes!) and i feel pretty darn good about myself.

today i have to really clean the house, like vaccuum, mop, things of that nature. my dad and mom are coming in for the week tomorrow. i'm so excited. we haven't seen them since the end of september so a visit is long overdue. hopefully we'll get to do some fun christmasy type things while they're here. i know we're tromping to the forest to chop down a tree so that's definitely one thing! i have plans to make a moss wreath at some point this week and get my christmas decorations up too. unfortunately, i feel several trips to hobby lobby are probably in order to liven things up around here for that holiday feeling. so sad...NOT!

enjoy your monday and i hope you feel as productive as i do today!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

gotta love the weekends...

it's 11:30 a.m. and we're all still in our jammies. lovin' life, lovin' the fact that there's nothing at all expected of us today. saturdays are the best day of all.

on today's to do list:

1. put out christmas decorations;

2. run to hobby lobby;

3. work on christmas gift projects;

4. realize there is no pressure to get any of the above done. gotta love that!

happy saturday, everyone.

Friday, November 23, 2007

we'll try this one more time...

for those of you who've known me for some time, this is my second attempt at a blog. my first one...hmm...not so much. but i've found that i enjoy reading blogs so much and i thought it might be a nice outreach to express my thoughts and feelings and keep the family updated, so i thought i'd give it a try.

and notice the name of my blog...very true. this will not be updated everyday, but when emotions or inspiration hits, i'll be here.

so this will be my spot for all things related to me...scrapbooking, being a mommy, being a wife, being a daughter, a sister, a friend...hopefully you find my musing touching, inspiring, funny or maybe even boring!

okay...enough with the introduction, let's get on with the show.

i can hardly believe that yesterday was thanksgiving, carsyn is 18 months old and i need to take down the pumpkins and put up the christmas trees! the time sure does fly by. we had a good day with steve's family and ate way too much. carsyn went for the annual thanksgiving morning walk in the woods with the boys. steve reported that carsyn was so good and loved running through the trees. there was a particular point where they were in a grove of pines and they all had sticks and were "sword fighting". well, when it was time to go, carsyn wasn't ready to leave and got pretty upset. he hasn't quite grasped the concept to be happy for what you got to experience and not to be sad when it's over. but then again, i guess that is a lot to ask of a 1-1/2 year old!

thanksgiving even i got quite a surprise. steve came up to me while i was sitting at the computer and gave me this little beauty:

boy was i SHOCKED! it is absolutely beautiful...steve completely outdid himself. it was so sweet. while i was in utter shock i said to steve, "it's stunningly beautiful," to which he replied, "you're stunningly beautiful!" after 13 years of marriage and lots of ups and downs these words meant so much to me. i love you, babe. thank you for loving me back. this is gonna make an amazing scrapbook page :)

so i would post pictures of thanksgiving and the walk in the woods and all the day's events except i pulled my camera out yesterday only to find i left my memory card at home in the card reader....argh! luckily, my mother-in-law has the same memory card in her camera as mine so i borrowed hers for the day. i'll post the pictures when i get them sometime next week.

have a happy friday. dont' get trampled by the day after thanksgiving's a jungle out there!